5 Amazing Vertical Garden Ideas to Show Off Your Love for Green

Does your home have a serious lack of space, but you still want to show off your love for green? Vertical gardening is fast catching up for growing plants in tight spaces. The best thing about a vertical garden is that it works equally well, both indoors and outdoors. Moreover, you can choose from different varieties of shrubs, annuals, perennials, and other houseplants to do up the indoors of your house as well as brighten up the patio and décor while making it more private.

Here is how you can get creative with these vertical gardening ideas:

1. Bamboo Lattice

You don’t have to be a gardener, to begin with vertical gardening ideas. Put together a few pieces of bamboo to create a lattice-like structure. Even if you don’t get bamboo, just arrange a few pieces of tree limbs and arrange them in fantastic shapes and position them in the middle of the garden. If you have climbers in your garden, they might find it the best place to grow.

2. Wall Plants

Isn’t it heavenly to grow fresh herbs? If they stay in front of your eyes when you are preparing your favorite salad in the kitchen, you might just add them as well. So, hang up a few wall planters on the kitchen wall that faces a window and go gaga with your love for green. You can also implement this idea to dress up your kitchen window. You can also create a walled garden focusing on herbs and stay healthy for keeps.

3. Vertical Garden on a Wooden Shelf

If you are crazy about starting the vertical garden venture, you will just need a few tools to create a vertical garden on a wooden shelf that has been lying unused for a long. Just make sure to add small plants on the shelves that grow short and include in it a drip watering system so that you don’t have to worry about watering the plants if you are out of the doors most of the time. Even if you have a discarded shelf, just pick it up and assemble it again. You can also apply a coat of paint on the shelf to make it look brighter.

4. Vertical Garden on the Fireplace Mantel

Pick a few landscape fabrics to do up the wall of your bedroom, dining area, and mantel. That way, it will be easier for you to create a succulent garden. You can create a vertical succulent garden on the bedroom wall or in the dining room. Apart from this, the fireplace mantel would get a new lease of life with a succulent garden.

5. Garden On a Ladder

Here is a super simple way to create a garden that is truly vertical and that’s a ladder. If you have a ladder that is lying unused for a long, pick it up and give it a polish or a coat of paint and use the steps to arrange small plants. You can also use it to grow perennial vines. You can also tie a few planters on the steps to grow small and colorful plants.

Vertical gardening is a popular and trending idea that is fast catching up among urban dwellers. It is a perfect idea to create a green cover in the interiors and the exterior of your home if you want to show your love for gardening.


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